Parental Leave at Snowy Hydro

Snowy Hydro

Parental leave remains vital in supporting primary and secondary caregivers, offering assistance during the child's birth or adoption and reintegration into the workforce. 

In 2022, Snowy Hydro introduced improved conditions for those accessing parental leave, increasing parental leave for primary carers from 14 weeks to 20 weeks. Superannuation is also now payable on the paid portion of parental leave. Snowy Hydro’s approach to flexible working is helping to retain people with family/carer commitments.

Jenna Sazdanoff - Production Technician, Colongra, Snowy Hydro 

Snowy Hydro's extended 20-week parental leave was transformative for our family and our baby, Delilah. From the initial 14 weeks, the news of the increase brought immense joy. As a first-time mum in a male-dominated field, the added support relieved my concerns. Taking 20 weeks at half pay meant 40 weeks with my baby without risking my role. This extra time facilitated a smooth daycare transition for Delilah. While more time would be ideal, Snowy's extended parental leave enabled a balanced career and motherhood, providing invaluable time in Delilah's first year.