Estia Health Albury goes purple as staff and residents say ‘No’ to elder abuse.

Estia Health

Joined by family and friends, the staff and residents at Estia Health Albury have held a ‘Say No to elder abuse’ event recently to show their unity against the abuse and suffering of older people.

‘In the current environment of negativity surrounding aged care, our staff and residents felt it was important to show their support against elder abuse.’ – said Nicoline Maritz, Estia Health Albury’s Executive Director.

The home has increased awareness by having regular open discussions with their residents as well as providing necessary support to their staff to ensure a great environment for all.

Representatives from the ‘Seniors Rights Services’ were invited to speak with the residents and their families regarding their rights. This prompted discussions of having a dedicated day to celebrate the wonderful elders at the home and the dedicated teams that care for them.

‘The participation of staff and residents was amazing.’ - shared Nicoline. ‘Everyone contributed actively to make this day a big success.’

Staff wore purple T-shirts, a colour used to symbolise World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) which is commemorated internationally on 15 June.

Personal messages such as ‘stop abuse’, ‘speak up’ and ‘we say no to elder abuse’ were written on purple paper figures which were displayed throughout the gardens.

Estia Health's own internal confidential ‘See something, say something’ hotline was also actively promoted on the day.
