Benefits and wellness
Benefits for employees
We're committed to looking after our employees.
Career development
Did you know?
We support the career development of our staff through:
- Professional development courses
- Academic promotions
- Secondments
- Study support
- Work Planning and Performance Review
Health and safety
In order to provide our employees with a safe workplace, our health and safety
program provides professional advice and services in:
- Occupational safety and health
- Workers' compensation
- Injury management
- Risk management
Healthy lifestyle
The Healthy Lifestyle Program is aimed at all Curtin staff members. You can participate before work, during your lunch break, after work or on weekends. Time in lieu can be used to participate in classes if approved by your supervisor.
We host a number of events within the Healthy Lifestyle Program including the Freeway Bike Hike, Bridges Fun Run, City to Surf and the Curtin Community Golf Day
Salary packaging
Salary Packaging is an option available to all employees of Curtin who have either an ongoing or a fixed term contract. It allows you to sacrifice some gross (post-tax) salary in return for services or goods that are charged pre-tax, saving you the equivalent of the tax rate you would normally pay in that portion of your income.
Study support
Are you interested in undertaking formal study whilst at Curtin? Will it fit with your career path and enhance your competencies and capabilities? If so, you may be eligible for staff study support.
Study support may take the form of study leave (i.e. granting of time off during work hours to attend lectures, etc) and/or financial assistance toward the payment of HECS or other fees.
Staff wellness program
The Curtin staff wellness program is available to all staff Bentley and regional staff. The program aims to promote a holistic approach to wellness based on 7 key dimensions of wellness. To find out more about the dimensions of wellness or see how the program could benefit you, please visit the staff wellness website.