Jet and Julie love to job share.

“We wouldn’t change it for the world. We refer to each other as work wives (or better halves!) We’ve been job sharing for nearly 15 years and started together in the branch network as Customer Service Managers. Fast forward a few years, we separated to do our own thing but then we reunited again as Branch Managers. We currently work as Account Managers in Perth.” says Julie.
“We’re grateful to one another, because without each other we wouldn’t have this amazing work life balance that’s so important to us” says Jet.
“With our ever changing personal lives and the needs of our ageing parents, the ability to job share means we get to work somewhere that really values us, doing a job we love, bring out the best in each other, while also being there for our families.” continues Jet.
“We’re like chalk and cheese. We have such different personalities and strengths. The one thing we do have in common is respect and an enormous amount of trust between each other. And this is what makes our arrangement work. We’re really lucky to be great colleagues and now lifelong friends” says Julie.